
Papua New Guinea | 22 August 2019

Promoting Competition and Improving Consumer Protections in PNG

PSDI, supported by Australian High Commission Papua New Guinea, is working with the Government of Papua New Guinea to promote competition among businesses and improve consumer protections.

This includes providing the Department of Treasury with a range of support to undertake the comprehensive Consumer and Competition Framework Review (CCFR). The CCFR’s final report was accepted in full by the government in 2017 and endorsed in April 2018.

A key recommendation in it was the creation of a National Competition Policy to articulate the government’s commitment to fostering pro-competitive outcomes. PSDI has since provided a draft policy and held public consultations on it.

PSDI is also managing Australia’s support to the Independent Consumer and Competition Commission, building staff capacity in areas including consumer protection, mergers and acquisition, cartel conduct, and corporate management.

Watch the video to learn more about how PSDI’s competition work in PNG is contributing to economic growth in the country.