PSDI Publications Filter: All countries Cook Islands Federated States of Micronesia Fiji Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru Niue Palau Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu All work areas Financing Growth Business Law Reform State-owned Enterprise Reform and Public-Private Partnerships Competition and Consumer Protection Economic Empowerment of Women Sustainable Tourism COVID-19 and PSDI All publication types Annual Progress Reports Books, Papers, and Reports Case Studies Consultant's Report Country Overviews Finding Balance Infographics Pacific Tourism Policy Briefs Private Sector Assessments PSDI Activity Reports and Overviews Work Area Overviews Working Documents Submit June 2008 | Private Sector Assessments Foundation for the Future: A Private Sector Assessment for Papua New Guinea Analysis and recommendations for how PNG can consolidate commodities-based growth to develop its broader private sector. June 2008 | Private Sector Assessments Samoa: Consolidating Reform for Faster Economic Growth An assessment of macroeconomic conditions and the challenges and opportunities for private sector development. March 2008 | Annual Progress Reports PSDI Annual Report 2007 This report gives an overview of PSDI activities from early 2007 to 31 December 2007. July 2007 | Private Sector Assessments Palau: Policies for Sustainable Growth, a Private Sector Assessment This private sector assessment provides a critical review of the environment for private sector development in Palau. July 2005 | Private Sector Assessments Promise Unfulfilled: Private Sector Assessment for Fiji This assessment highlights the central role the private sectors needs to play to deliver rapid economic growth in Fiji. July 2005 | Private Sector Assessments Private Sector Assessment for Solomon Islands This report offers recommendations to make Solomon Islands business environment conducive to economic growth. December 2004 | Books, Papers, and Reports Swimming Against the Tide? An Assessment of the Private Sector in the Pacific This is the Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative foundation report. 1 ... 6 7 8