Re-invigorating Private Sector Investment: A Private Sector Assessment for Fiji
This private sector assessment provides a critical review of the environment for private sector development in Fiji.
The report reviews Fiji's private sector environment from 2006 to 2012 and examines progress made against recommendations in PSDI's 2005 report Promise Unfulfilled: Private Sector Assessment for Fiji.
While Fiji has made considerable reform progress in a number of areas (including tax reforms, encouraging telecommunications competition, and reducing barriers to foreign investment), it still faces considerable challenges in responding to a range of macroeconomic shocks following the global economic crisis, and political and policy uncertainty at home.
Areas where action is needed to make Fiji a more attractive, low-cost place to do business include the following:
- Reducing policy uncertainty;
- Improving the regulatory environment for starting and operating a business;
- Facilitating contract enforcement;
- Rationalizing investment incentives;
- Removing price controls;
- Strengthening infrastructure services;
- Reducing the role of the state in the economy;
- Enhancing access to iTaukei land; and
Increasing access to finance and financial services.