Partners and Funding

The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI) provides advisory and capacity-building assistance to help Pacific developing member countries (DMCs) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) improve their business enabling environments. This in turn supports inclusive, private sector-led economic growth.

Three consecutive phases of PSDI have been implemented since 2007, which have helped Pacific DMCs carry out reforms and introduce new policies to improve conditions for private sector development and investment, responding to related needs and opportunities as they evolved. 

PSDI disbursed a total of $60.83 million during its first three phases, funding more than 600 subprojects. This included $6.1 million funding from the ADB, alongside grant cofinancing of $54.73 million from the Government of Australia ($49.8 million) and the Government of New Zealand ($4.9 million). The value of this cofinancing reflects the importance and value the governments of Australia and New Zealand place on introducing reforms and building capacity for private sector development in the Pacific.

PSDI entered its fourth funding phase in 2020. PSDI's Phase IV funding commitments to 30 June 2021 is below.

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On this website, $ refers to US dollars unless otherwise stated.